Correlation Analysis Between Angina Pectoris in Coronary Heart Disease of Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis Type and Cardiac Structure and Cardiac Function Index
Abstract:Objective:To discuss the correlation between angina pectoris in coronary heart disease of qi deficiency and blood stasis type and cardiac structure and cardiac function index. Methods: A total of 142 cases of patients with angina pectoris in coronary heart disease treated in Shenqiu Hospital of Chinese Medicine and First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from June 2017 to June 2019 were selected as the disease group, and 100 healthy people who came to the hospitals for physical examination at the same time were selected as the healthy group. According to Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation, the disease group was divided into the qi deficiency and blood stasis group (angina pectoris in coronary heart disease of qi deficiency and blood stasis type) and the non qi deficiency and blood stasis group (angina pectoris in coronary heart disease not of qi deficiency and blood stasis type). The cardiac structures and cardiac function indexes between the disease group and the healthy group as well as between the qi deficiency and blood stasis group and the non qi deficiency and blood stasis group were compared. Univariate analysis may affect the risk factors of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease of qi deficiency and blood stasis type, and logistic regression analysis confirmed its risk factors. Results: Compared with those in the healthy group, the left ventricular end- diastolic diameter(LVDd), left ventricular end- systolic diameter(LVDs), left ventricular posterior wall thickness(LVPWd) and interventricular septal thickness(IVST) in the disease group were more(P<0.05),and left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left ventricular fractional shortening(LVFS) and stroke volume (SV) were less(P<0.05). Compared with those in the non qi deficiency and blood stasis group,LVDd and LVDs in the qi deficiency and blood stasis group were more(P<0.05),and LVEF and LVFS were less(P<0.05). Compared with those in the non qi deficiency and blood stasis group,the proportions of total cholesterol(TC)≥5.99 mmol/L,LVDd≥55 mm,LVDs≥ 37 mm, LVEF<60% and LVFS<30% in serum in the qi deficiency and blood stasis group were higher(P<0.05); logistic regression analysis showed that the above syndromes were risk factors of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease of qi deficiency and blood stasis type. Conclusion:TC≥5.99 mmol/L,LVDd≥55 mm,LVDs≥37 mm,LVEF<60% and LVFS< 30% are risk factors of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease of qi deficiency and blood stasis type. The above indexes can be used as the basis of syndrome differentiation of angina pectoris in coronary heart disease of qi deficiency and blood stasis type.