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    目的:观察稳心通脉方加减联合西药治疗不稳定型心绞痛心肾阴虚证的临床疗效。方法:选取 2022年1月—2024年1月在北京中医药大学东直门医院洛阳医院/洛阳市中医院治疗的86例不稳定心绞痛心肾 阴虚证患者,采用随机数字表法分为西医组和研究组各43例。西医组给予西药治疗,研究组给予稳心通脉方 加减联合西药治疗,2组均连续治疗4周。比较2组临床疗效、中医证候积分、西雅图心绞痛量表(SAQ) 评 分、心绞痛发作次数、心绞痛持续时间、心输出量、左室射血分数、心脏指数,以及Notch1、Rho 激酶 1(ROCK1)、内皮细胞特异分子-1(ESM-1)、内皮微颗粒、单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(MCP-1)、超敏C-反应蛋 白(hs-CRP)、脂蛋白相关性磷脂酶A2(Lp-PLA2) 水平。结果:治疗4周后,总有效率研究组97.67% (42/ 43),高于西医组81.40% (35/43)(P<0.05)。2组胸痛、胸闷、心悸、腰膝酸软、不寐积分均较治疗前降 低(P<0.05),研究组上述5项中医证候积分均低于西医组(P<0.05)。2组SAQ评分均较治疗前升高(P< 0.05),研究组SAQ评分高于西医组(P<0.05)。2组心绞痛发作次数均较治疗前减少(P<0.05),研究组心绞 痛发作次数少于西医组(P<0.05)。2组心绞痛持续时间均较治疗前缩短(P<0.05),研究组心绞痛持续时间 短于西医组(P<0.05)。2组心输出量、左室射血分数、心脏指数均较治疗前升高(P<0.05),研究组心输出 量、左室射血分数、心脏指数均高于西医组(P<0.05)。2组Notch1、ROCK1、ESM-1、内皮微颗粒、MCP-1、 hs-CRP、Lp-PLA2水平均较治疗前下降(P<0.05),研究组Notch1、ROCK1、ESM-1、内皮微颗粒、MCP-1、 hs-CRP、Lp-PLA2水平均低于西医组(P<0.05)。结论:稳心通脉方加减联合西药治疗不稳定型心绞痛心肾 阴虚证,可改善心功能和血管内皮功能,抑制炎症反应,缓解病情,提高生活质量。


    Abstract: Objective: To observe the clinical effect of modified Wenxin Tongmai Prescription combined with western medicine in treating unstable angina pectoris with the heart-kidney yin deficiency syndrome. Methods:A total of 86 patients with unstable angina pectoris with heart-kidney yin deficiency syndrome treated at the Luoyang Branch of Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine/Luoyang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2022 to January 2024 were selected and divided into the western medicine group and the study group according to the random number table method, with 43 patients in each group. The western medicine group received western medicine treatment,while the study group was treated with the modified Wenxin Tongmai Prescription combined with western medicine. Both groups received continuous treatment for four weeks. Clinical effects,traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome scores,Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) scores,duration of angina,number of angina attacks,cardiac output,left ventricular ejection fraction,cardiac indexes,as well as the levels of Notch1, Rho kinase 1 (ROCK1), endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 (ESM-1), endothelial microparticles, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) were compared between the two groups. Results: After four weeks of treatment, the total effective rate in the study group was 97.67%( 42/43),which was higher than that in the western medicine group at 81.40% (35/43) (P<0.05). The scores for chest pain, chest tightness, palpitations, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees,and insomnia in the two groups were declined when compared with those before treatment (P<0.05); the above five TCM syndrome scores in the study group were lower than those in the western medicine group (P<0.05). Both groups showed an increase in SAQ scores when compared with those before treatment (P<0.05),with the study group having a higher SAQ score than the western medicine group (P<0.05). The number of angina attacks in the two groups were decreased when compared with those before treatment (P<0.05),and the number of angina attacks in the study group was less than that in the western medicine group (P<0.05). The duration of angina pectoris in the two groups was shortened when compared with those before treatment (P<0.05),and the duration of angina pectoris in the study group was shorter than that in the western medicine group (P<0.05). Both groups showed an increase in cardiac output,left ventricular ejection fraction,and cardiac indexes when compared with those before treatment (P<0.05); the cardiac output,left ventricular ejection fraction,and cardiac index in the study group were higher than those in the western medicine group (P<0.05). The levels of Notch1, ROCK1, ESM-1, endothelial microparticles, MCP-1, hs-CRP,and Lp-PLA2 in the two groups were decreased when compared with those before treatment (P<0.05);the levels of Notch1, ROCK1, ESM-1, endothelial microparticles, MCP-1, hs-CRP, and Lp-PLA2 in the study group were lower than those in the western medicine group (P<0.05). Conclusion: The combination of modified Wenxin Tongmai Prescription and western medicine can improve heart function and vascular endothelial function, inhibit inflammatory reactions,alleviate the disease condition,and enhance quality of life in the treatment of unstable angina pectoris with heart-kidney yin deficiency syndrome.



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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-05
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